Ido/Judo-Do grades can only be achieved by those martial arts practitioners who internalise the deep spiritual sense of perpetual movement as well as the way to coexistence. The Executive Committee and the Technical Director are responsible for the award. Suggestions for graduation may be submitted by Ido Dan holders or the dojo managers to the Executive Committee or the Technical Director.
Martial arts practitioners, who can prove they have obtained their rank from another association, may obtain from the Executive Committee an acknowledgement certificate, which lists all ranks. Graduation certificates of Idokan Europa e.V. can only be obtained by members who have passed their examination in front of Idokan Europa examiners. Dan ranks from recognised associations are not verified as a rule. In justified cases, verifications are carried out, whereby the Executive Committee and the Technical Director take the decision.
- Sempai – advanced martial artist with teaching tasks
- Sensei – title used to address teachers as from the third Dan rank
- Shihan – honorific title for senior instructors as from the fifth Dan rank
- Renshi – honorific title for senior instructors as from the fifth Dan rank
- Kyoshi – honorific title for senior instructors as from the seventh Dan rank
- Hanshi – honorific title for senior instructors as from the ninth Dan rank
- Soke – recognised founder of a style or successor
Knights of Mount Fuji
The Order of the Knights of Mount Fuji of Idokan Europa e.V. can award the highest distinction for outstanding performance. The Order is limited to seven knights alive. Only Idokan members can be nominated bearer of the title, which is awarded by at least two active knights or, in case of vacancy, by the Executive Committee. The knights form an honorific body that excels in decades of experience and involvement in martial arts. The Executive Committee may seek their advice in all matters.
Budo-Lehrgang Modern Arnis / Kobudo / Jiu-Jitsu / Ido / Karate am 21./22. September 2024 in Penzberg
Die Budoverbände Idokan Europa und der MAMD Organisation Deutschland veranstalteten ein hochkarätiges Budoseminar mit Teilnehmern aus ganz Deutschland (und Österreich). Veranstaltungsort war die Josef-Boos-Halle in Penzberg. Hier den ganzen Bericht mit interessanten Inhalten, Bildern und Nennung der Referenten und einer Referentin lesen.
Internationales Budo-Seminar "Von Mensch zu Mensch" in Kooperation VaK und Idokan Europa am 21./22. Oktober 2023 in Penzberg
Mit ca. 15 hochrangigen Referenten und weit über 150 Teilnehmern fand das Kampfkunst-Seminar in Penzberg, Josef-Boos-Halle, am 21./22.10.2023, statt. Das Seminar war eine sog. "Mensch zu Mensch" Veranstaltung - "Kampfkünstler helfen" für einen gemeinnützigen Zweck (Spende an Kinderkrebshilfe). Organisiert in Kooperation mit dem Verband asiatischer Kampfkünste e. V., war es zudem ein Jubiläumsseminar zum 30-jährigen Bestehen von Idokan Europa e. V. Angeboten wurden: Iaido, Arnis, Karatedo, Jiujitsu, Judo, Kyushu, Hanbo, Taekwondo, Ido, Aikido, Yoga. Herzlichen Dank an alle. Hier den ganzen Bericht zum Budo-Seminar lesen.
Budo-Lehrgang am 15./16. Oktober 2022 in Penzberg
Die Verbände MAMD, DMFV und Idokan Europa veranstalteten ein vielseitiges Budo-Seminar mit den Kampfkünsten Modern Arnis, Messertechniken, Jiu-Jitsu, Ido und Karate Jetzt mehr lesen